Jungle School (3-6 yrs)
Gym Jungle Drop In (1-5 yrs)
It’s a Jungle out there! Why not meet your friends at the gym and make new ones! This is an ‘open gym’ format, that allows children to explore the gym environment and interact socially. Help your child develop their social skills and body awareness by trying new activities along with other children in our fun, active gym. Let your little ones experience the wonderful benefits of gymnastics through play! You will receive a Gym Jungle Drop In Pass on your first visit. The pass is valid for 5 visits and the good news is, you have the flexibility to attend the weeks that are convenient for you! 1.25 hr class
Pre-requisite: none
Jungle Babies (10-18 months)
Spend quality time with your little one! Help them explore their surroundings, develop gross motor and social skills in a fun, informal setting. This class is for active babies who are on the move! Your gym baby will have many opportunities for fun, for learning, for getting active and meeting new little friends! Your gym baby will also explore developmental skills such as rolling, crawling, climbing, balancing, and hanging as well as be introduced to many new concepts such as patterning, group activities, taking turns, following instructions, and circle time. Parent participation is required. 50 min class. Ratio 6:1.
Pre-requisite: none
Bond with your special little person that is on the move and give them a great start to an active life! With their energy, our guidance and your help, they have so much more to learn and discover! Your Lit’l Monkey will learn basic movement patterns and develop body awareness through music, circuits and various gymnastics equipment in our fun, highly social setting. When a parent and child regularly attend gym class it instils the understanding of schedule, discipline and commitment When parents listen to the coach, the child learns to listen too. 50 min class. Ratio: 8:1
Pre-requisite: none
Help your Lit’l Hopper take the big step of being ‘on their own’. The coach and parent will work together towards this goal of gradually being on their own and able to follow instructions from another adult. This class involves a structured warmup, circuits, gymnastics events and creative play. Parents are required to step into the Jungle when needed for control and structure at the same time keeping a bit of distance. 50 min class 5:1 Ratio
Pre-requisite: Complete 3 months of Lit’l Monkeys or similar.
This is a class for your playful little Cubs and ‘climbers’ who are fully ready to be on their own! Participants will work on their listening and basic skills on our Climbin’ Cubs curriculum designed to develop balance, coordination, strength and gross motor skills. 60 min class. 6:1 ratio
Pre-requisite: Complete 2 months Lit’l Monkeys, Lit’l Hoppers or similar program.
Your Tumblin’ Tiger will have new challenges with an emphasis on learning specific skills in an encouraging, positive environment. This program involves basic gymnastic skills such as front rolls, body supports, on the first 2 of 4 Kindergym Levels in our Gym Jungle curriculum. Build your child’s self confidence and give them the opportunity to experience success with each attempt big or small, while having fun and making new friends! 60 min class. 8:1 Ratio
Pre-requisite: none
For the budding gymnast who listens very well, is developing at a faster pace and requires a little more challenge. This class consists of combining some skills and drills that will lead to learning a cartwheel with more time spent on strength, flexibility and coordination exercises. 60 min. 8:1 Ratio.
Pre-requisite: completed Tumblin’ Tigers Level 2
Recommendation: 2 classes per week
Kinderstars (4 – 5 yrs, Levels 3+)
This class by coaches’ recommendation, has higher expectations, increased challenges and more attention to the details like form and presentation. The warm up is full of basics such as foot and knee turnout, proper running position, splits, bridges and strength exercises. Drills are used to learn skills such as front and back rolls, handstands and cartwheels! 90 min class. 8:1 ratio.
Pre-requisite: by coach recommendation only
Recommendation: 2 classes per week.